Thursday January 15th AGM Payment of subscriptions, to Hardy Plant and Horticultural Society. Mr. Mike Kinnis, Kilham, Driffield. ”Pond Construction and Care” followed by tea/coffee and biscuits Thursday February 20th Peter Williams “Propagation for Grown Ups Thursday March 19th Mrs Anne Wright, Tockwith, York - “Snowdrops and Miniature Daffodils Thursday April 16th Dr. Andrew Ward, Norwell Nurseries Newark, Notts. “The Joys of Geraniums **Thursday May 14th Garden Visit to The Old Vicarage, Church St. Whixley YO26 8AR courtesy of Biddy and Roger Marshall. * Free bus from Eastgate Car Park 4.45pm £7.00 including refreshments Saturday May 16th Annual Plant Sale and Coffee Morning at The Memorial Hall, Potterhill, Pickering YO18 8AA 9.00am Thursday June 18th Garden visit to Hillside, West End, Ampleforth YO62 4DY courtesy of Sue Shepherd and Jon Borgia £6.00 including refreshments Thursday July 16th Garden visit to Ness Hall, East Ness, Nunnington YO62 5XD courtesyof Mr and Mrs Murray Wells £7.00 refreshments subsidised by club Thursday September 17th Ben Preston Head Gardener at York Gate, Adel, Leeds “Yorkgate and Perennial” Thursday October 15th Samantha Hopes, Hopes Garden Plants, Halesowen “Hepaticas” Thursday November19th Dr Charles Lane “Common Plant Diseases in Your Garden” Thursday January 21st Annual General Meeting with speaker or quiz and tea/coffee and biscuits **NOTE** Thursday May 14th Garden Visit to Whixley 2nd Thursday in May not 3rd.
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